THEY say about us...
Fin dagli anni 60 la nostra famiglia si è sempre dedicata anima e corpo alla vita di campagna, con l'obiettivo di ottenere prodotti che rispecchino questo meraviglioso territorio
Circondato da circa 8 ettari di vigneti, oliveti e bosco, l’Agriturismo l’Olmo offre la possibilità, a chi lo desidera, di visitare la campagna circostante, diventando per un giorno, protagonisti della vita lavorativa di questo posto.
L’azienda, interamente a conduzione familiare, produce in media ogni anno circa 400 q.li di vino.
"Fabrizio gave us a tour of the farm and took the time to explain the art of winemaking, followed by a deliciously amazing wine and food tasting using wine and oil made on the farm. We had to buy bottles of their amazing wine to take with us."
"Fabrizio and family were gracious and wonderful hosts, even though we were there in the middle of the grape harvest. They took us on a tour of their vineyards and explained the wine-making process - and of course, we bought bottle after bottle of their amazing wine while we were there and some to take with us for the rest of our Italy trip"